Office Hours
By Appointment Only. Please call 517-592-2756.
-About Us
We are located in the northwestern corner of Lenawee County and the southern border of Jackson County. The elective officers of the village shall be a Village Council of five members. The Council elects the President.
Mel Cure, President
Cathy Senkewitz, Councilman
John Weber, Councilman
Dustin Blakley, Councilman
Jennifer Porter, Councilman
Support Staff
Carol Ladd, Clerk, 517-688-5403
Charolyn Cure, Treasurer
Spencer Bennett, Zoning Inspector, 517-817-8564
Brian Taylor, Building Inspector, 517-795-9902
Tim Wheaton, DPW, Streets Administrator
Anthony Stockdale, Assessor, 517-547-6598
Thomas Polyblank, Planning Commission Chair
Contact Us
Village of Cement City
135 Main Street
P.O. Box 187
Cement City, MI 49233
517-592-2756 office
517-592-2562 fax
Reminder: For Safety Sakes, please post your address on your home or mailbox. What if an Emergency Responder needed to find you? Contact the Village Hall at 592-2756 if you need assistance.
Sirens are sounded daily at 6:00 p.m. to ensure readiness for inclement weather and fire/rescue needs.
Join Us
Our regular meetings take place the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall, 135 Main Street, Cement City, MI 49233. Special meetings take place as necessary and notice of at least 18 hours is given. Meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend. Please contact us by phone at 517-592-2756 with questions or concerns. You can also e-mail us at villageofcc@hotmail.com.
135 Main Street, Cement City, MI | 517-592-2756